Dessau (On the Ground of Old Culture)

Joost Schmidt and Ludwig Grote, 1931

Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (I 1022 D) / © (Grote, Ludwig) Grote, Christian
"Dessau" (Auf dem Boden alter Kultur – lebendiges Schaffen der Gegenwart). Prospekt für das Verkehrsbüro der Stadt Dessau, Hrsg.: Gemeinnütziger Verein Dessau e.V., Abt. Verkehrsbüro, Entwurf: Joost Schmidt, 1931.

[Translate to English:] Text

For the prospectus published by the Gemeinnütziger Verein Dessau e. V. (tourist information office, Dessau), Schmidt combined pictures of characteristic features of the city with various typefaces to create a kind of typophoto: An airplane of the Junkers company circles above an aerial picture of Dessau and carries the city’s name into the world. Here, Dessau is presented as the 'grassroots of culture', shown by the photos of German oak trees and a ruinous triumphal arch – reminders of Dessau’s Schloss Luisium –, and as the centre of the modern age of engineering and the Bauhaus. Through the use of cursive or sans serif typefaces respectively, the city’s two poles are clearly ascribed to the realms of the traditional or avant-garde. 

[AG 2015]

  1. Literature:
  2. Brüning, Ute (1995): Aufträge, in: Brüning, Ute (1995): Das A und O des Bauhauses. Bauhauswerbung: Schriftbilder, Drucksachen, Ausstellungsdesign, Leipzig, S. 163-180.
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